How to recover data?

There are several ways to recover data when you reinstall Password Saver, reset your phone, or start on a new device:

1) Password Saver usually automatically recovers data when you first start the application (using Google services - you should use the same Google account you used on the previous device). But it works not always(!) and we can't control it.

2) Data synchronization using your Dropbox-account (we recommend to use it). Open Password Saver, go to menu > Options > Synchronization and activate Dropbox sync. Your data will be synchronised and restored through your Dropbox account in case login passwords will match.

3) Backups (menu > Backups):
a) copy manually to sd card
b) synchronize backups in Password Saver using your Dropbox account.

Note: Sometimes Password Saver creates a backup automatically.

Forgot the master password, what should I do?

We don't have access to your password. And we don't have access to your data.

FOR THE SECURITY REASONS, access to data can be obtained only using your native password.

Our recommendations:

1) Remember your password!
2) Use “hint” field to not forget your password.
3) Save the password to your e-mail if you afraid to forget it (there is an option when you setup a new password).

Note: you can use fingerprint to unlock app and reset the password.

How uncheck numeric keypad

The solution:

1) Tap the "Lock" button on the login screen
2) Go to "Options"
3) Uncheck "Numberic keyboard".

If you have any questions please Contact us.